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Extrapolation techniques and multiparameter treatment for Tikhonov regularization


Academic year: 2022

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Extrapolation techniques and multiparameter treatment for Tikhonov regularization

A review

Michela Redivo Zaglia University of Padua - Italy

Joint work with

C. Brezinski (Lille-France)

G. Rodriguez, S. Seatzu (Cagliari-Italy)

Tikhonov regularization

Extrapolation techniques

Multiparameter regularization




When a p × p system Ax = b is ill-conditioned, its solution cannot be computed accurately.

Tikhonov’s regularization consists in computing the vector xλ which minimizes the quadratic functional

J(λ, x) = kAx − bk2 + λkHxk2

over all vectors x, where λ ≥ 0 is a parameter, and H a given q × p (q ≤ p) matrix. k · k denotes the Euclidean norm.

This vector xλ is the solution of the system (C + λE)xλ = ATb, where C = ATA and E = HTH.


If λ is close to zero, then xλ is badly computed while,

if λ is far away from zero, xλ is well computed but the norm of the error kx − xλk is quite large.

For decreasing values of λ, the norm of the error kx − xλk first decreases, and then increases when λ approaches 0.

Thus the norm of the error, which is the sum of the theoretical error and the error due to the computer’s arithmetic, passes through a minimum corresponding to the optimal choice of the regularization parameter λ.


Several methods have been proposed to obtain an effective choice of λ (i.e. L-curve, Morozov discrepancy principle,

GCV, . . . ). But each of these methods can fail.

Idea: compute xλ for several values of λ, interpolate by a vector function of λ which mimics the exact behaviour, and then extrapolate at λ = 0.

The main problem is to use a conveniently chosen vector function.

For that purpose, let us study the exact behaviour of xλ with respect to λ.


We assume that H is a p × p non singular matrix, and we set y = Hx. Hence

J(λ, x) = kAH1y − bk2 + λkyk2

Using the SVD of AH1 = UΣV T, it can be proved that xλ = H1yλ with

yλ =




σi2 + λvi, and γi = (ui, b).

So, we will choose an interpolation function of the same form but with a sum running only from i = 1 to k, with k < p.

Several extrapolation methods based on this idea exist.

They depend whether the vectors vi are known or not.

We assume, without loss of generality, that H = I (i.e.

xλ = yλ).




RESTRICTED CASE: If the vectors v0, . . . ,vk are known, we interpolate by the rational function

Rk(λ) =

Xk i=1


bi + λ vi,

where the ai’s and the bi’s are 2k unknown scalars.

For determining the parameters ai and bi, we impose the interpolation conditions (xn = xλn)

xn =

Xk i=1


bi + λn vi xn+1 =

Xk i=1


bi + λn+1 vi.


Then, extrapolating at λ = 0 will give

x ≃ Rk(0) =




bj vj = yk(n).

We assume that vectors w1, . . . , wk such that (vi,wj) = δij are known, and we obtain

yk(n) =

Xk j=1

(xn, wj)(xn+1, wj) λn+1 − λn

λn+1(xn+1, wj) − λn(xn, wj) vj.

Increasing the value of k, for n fixed we also have yk+1(n) = yk(n) + ak+1

bk+1 vk+1, k = 0,1, . . . , p − 1.


If (vi, vj) = δij and wj = vj, the process is equivalent to the Truncated SVD (TSVD), that is

yk(n) =

Xk i=1


σi vi, γi = (ui, b).

In this case, we can drop the superscript n since yk(n) does not depend on n.

We set ek = x − yk and rk = b − Ayk. It holds

kek+1k2 = kekk2 − γk+12k+12 krk+1k2 = krkk2 − γk+12 .


We have also the following identities, ∀k,

kykk2 =

Xk i=1

γi2 σi2

kyk+1k2 = kykk2 + γk+12 σk+12 kekk2 =

Xp i=k+1

γi2 σi2

(yk, ek) = (ek1 − ek, ek) = 0 kxk2 = kykk2 + kekk2

krkk2 =

Xp i=k+1





If the vectors vi are unknown, we base the extrapolation process of a rational function of the form

Rk(λ) =

Xk i=1


bi + λ wi, k ≤ p,

where the bi’s are unknown numbers and the wi are unknown vectors.

They are determined, as before, by imposing that xn = Rkn)

for some values of n.

Then we extrapolate at the point λ = 0.


It corresponds to computing

x ≃ yk = Rk(0) =




bi wi.

Rk can be written as

Rk(λ) = Pk1(λ)/Qk(λ)


Pk1(λ) = α0 + · · · + αk1λk1, αi ∈ Rp Qk(λ) =

Yk i=1

(bi + λ) = β0 + · · · + βk1λk1 + λk, βi ∈ R.

We gave 6 different algorithms for determining the two unknowns needed α0 and β0 (Rk(0) = α00).


Let us describe one of them (the most satisfying one).

We have to solve the interpolation problem

Qki)xi = Pk1i), for i = 0, . . . , k − 1.

Since Qk and Pk1 are polynomials, we have, by Lagrange’s formula

Qk(λ) =




Pk1(λ) =

kX1 i=0








Li(λ) = Yk

j=0 j6=i

λ − λj

λi − λj and Lbi(λ) =


j=0 j6=i

λ − λj λi − λj .

Let λk 6= λj, for j = 0, . . . , k − 1. We have




Lbik)Qki)xi = Qkk)xk.

Let s1, . . . , sp be linearly independent vectors. Setting

ci = Qki)/Qkk) and multiplying scalarly the preceding equation by sj, for j = 1, . . . , p, leads to the following linear system



Lbik)(xi, sj)ci = (xk, sj), j = 1, . . . , p.

Solving this system in the least squares sense gives c0, . . . , ck1.


Since the polynomial Qk(λ) = Pk

i=0 Li(λ)Qki) is monic and ck = 1, we have a supplementary condition which gives the value Qkk). Thus Qki) = ciQkk), and, finally, β0 = Qk(0) is given by

β0 =




From what precedes, we see that

α0 = Pk1(0) =





and it follows that

yk = Rk(0) = Pk1(0)

Qk(0) = β0 α0.



A wide numerical experimentation has been performed.

We used several kind of matrices A,

heat, ilaplace, shaw, spikes Hansen Matlab Regularization Toolbox

hilbert, lotkin, moler Matlab (gallery function)

different solutions xt (t means true solution),

given defined as in the Regularization Toolbox

ones xi = 1

lin xi = i

quad xi = i − p



, i = 1, . . . , p

sin xi = sin

2π(i − 1)/p

i = 1, . . . , p various matrices H,

I Identity matrix

D1, D2, D3 discrete approximations of the first, second and third derivative

and we also try the case of a noised data vector.


The tests show the effectiveness of the procedures, but that the best approximation, denoted by xopt, depends on the values of λn chosen for interpolating and that the norm of the error kxt − xoptkcan be strongly influenced by the choice of the regularizating matrix H.




A good choice of the matrix H often depends on the mathematical properties of the solution. Using several regularization terms avoids this difficult choice.

We are looking for the vector xλ which minimizes the quadratic functional

J(λ, x) = k kAx − bk2 +




! , with λ = (λ1, . . . , λk)T.


It is also the solution of the system

C +

Xk i=1



xλ = ATb,

with C = ATA and Ei = HiTHi.

We have the following relation between xλ and x

I +

Xk i=1



xλ = x.

We note that xλ is also the vector minimizing

J(λ, x) =



kAx − bk2 + kλikHixk2 .


Hence, we consider the k vectors xλi solving the minimization problems


kAx − bk2 + kλikHixk2 , i = 1, . . . , k.

These vectors satisfy the linear systems

(C + kλiEi)xλi = ATb, i = 1, . . . , k.

Thus we compute k one-parameter regularized solutions,

and, after, we consider the approximation of xλ given by the linear combination

xeλ(α) =




where α = (α1, . . . , αk)T and Pk

i=1 αi = 1.


How to choose the vector α?

The following relation between xλ and xeλ(α) holds

xλ = xeλ(α) + C +

Xk i=1





ρλ(α) =

Xk i=1



Xk j=1



The vector α is chosen to minimize ρλ(α).

It is the solution of an overdetermined system which is solved in the least-squares sense.


How to estimate the vector λ?

The parameters λ1, . . . , λk can be chosen according to a test based on a modification of the Generalized Cross Validation.

It consists in minimizing the function

Z(λ) =

Xk i=1



with Vi(λ) = Ni(λ)

Di(λ), i = 1, . . . , k,


Ni(λ) =




kλc(i)jj(i))2 + kλ




Di(λ) =




j(i))2 + kλ.

The c(i)j ’s and the γj(i)’s are the parameters related to the SVD decompositions.



In many tests performed, regularizing with more than one

parameter seems to increase the possibilities of computing a good approximation to the solution of an ill-conditioned

linear system.

Moreover, in general, the error is never worse than the worst one-parameter error.

The algorithm seems enough stable, robust and easy to implement (only the solution of k one-parameter

regularization problems and one additional linear system).

In the sequel some tables reporting the relative errors kx − xke kxk corresponding to the solution obtained with the best λ.


σ = 0 I D1 D2 MP heat

ones 8.7 · 106 1.4 · 1014 2.1 · 1015 6.9 · 1016 lin 3.7 · 101 1.8 · 102 7.7 · 1015 2.3 · 1015 quad 2.8 · 105 2.8 · 105 9.7 · 103 9.4 · 103

sin 9.6 · 102 6.7 · 106 5.0 · 107 5.9 · 1010 ilaplace

ones 6.1 · 101 5.3 · 1015 1.7 · 1015 9.8 · 1016 lin 8.4 · 101 2.8 · 101 1.1 · 1015 2.8 · 1015 quad 7.9 · 101 7.2 · 101 6.7 · 101 5.6 · 101

sin 7.1 · 101 5.2 · 101 2.1 · 101 3.7 · 101 lotkin

lin 1.1 · 106 1.1 · 106 1.6 · 1013 1.7 · 1015 quad 4.5 · 106 4.5 · 106 1.1 · 103 2.4 · 104

sin 2.2 · 104 2.2 · 104 2.1 · 103 5.5 · 104 moler

ones 1.6 · 108 3.2 · 1014 2.1 · 1014 1.9 · 1014 quad 5.9 · 108 8.5 · 104 1.3 · 103 9.4 · 1011 sin 5.7 · 104 3.3 · 104 2.4 · 104 1.3 · 107


σ = 106 I D1 D2 MP heat

ones 1.1 · 104 1.1 · 104 1.7 · 106 5.3 · 108 lin 1.9 · 104 1.9 · 104 2.8 · 106 2.8 · 106 quad 2.5 · 104 2.5 · 104 9.7 · 103 9.4 · 103 sin 9.6 · 102 8.7 · 102 1.8 · 102 1.6 · 104 ilaplace

ones 7.2 · 101 1.7 · 105 4.4 · 107 5.7 · 107 lin 9.4 · 101 4.2 · 101 7.3 · 107 7.3 · 107 quad 7.9 · 101 6.0 · 101 1.1 1.3 · 101 sin 7.1 · 101 4.1 · 101 5.1 · 101 3.4 · 101 lotkin

lin 2.8 · 103 2.8 · 103 3.4 · 107 3.4 · 107 quad 4.1 · 102 4.1 · 102 2.3 · 102 2.3 · 102 sin 7.3 · 102 7.3 · 102 4.7 · 102 4.7 · 102 moler

ones 6.4 · 106 3.4 · 107 2.0 · 108 2.7 · 1010 quad 3.5 · 106 3.5 · 106 8.9 · 107 7.6 · 107

sin 6.6 · 107 2.9 · 106 1.1 · 101 4.9 · 107




Choice of the regularization parameters (in the multiparameter regularization) by estimation of the errors, following the work of C. Brezinski, G. Rodriguez, S. Seatzu, Error estimates for linear systems with applications to regularization, Numer. Algorithms, 49 (2008) 85–104.

Multiparameter regularization of least squares problems, following the work of

C. Brezinski, G. Rodriguez, S. Seatzu, Error estimates for the

regularization of least squares problems, Numer. Algorithms, 51 (2009) 61–76.



C. Brezinski, M. Redivo Zaglia, G. Rodriguez, S. Seatzu

Extrapolation techniques for ill–conditioned linear systems Numer. Math., 81 (1998) 1–29.

C. Brezinski, M. Redivo Zaglia, G. Rodriguez, S. Seatzu

Multi-parameter regularization techniques for ill-conditioned linear systems

Numer. Math., 94 (2003) 203–228.



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