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Oliver Treib

Im Dokument Political Science (Seite 39-47)

I H S — Oliver Treib / Assistant Professor — 35

March – April 2005 Graduate seminar (approx. 20 sessions with discussions of participants’ draft dissertation outlines), Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna (in collaboration with Gerda Falkner, Sylvia Kritzinger and Irina Michalowitz).

Feb. 2005 Graduate seminar (one week) on “Electronic Tools in EU Research”, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna.

Since 2005 Member of the German Political Science Association (DVPW)

Since 2005 Referee for Journal of European Public Policy

Dec. 2004 Graduate seminar (six sessions) on “Qualitative Methods in EU Research”, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna (in collaboration with Gerda Falkner, Sylvia Kritzinger and Irina Michalowitz).

Since 2004 Co-chair of the section on “Comparative Politics and European Integration” of the Austrian Political Science Association (ÖGPW)

Oct. 2003 – June 2004 Graduate seminar (discussion of participants’ draft dissertation chapters), Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna.

April – Aug. 2003 Guest lecturer at the University of Cologne (seminar on policy making and implementation in the European Union).

Feb. 2003 Guest lecturer at the DFG-Graduate-College “The Future of the European Social Model”, Georg-August-University, Göttingen (one-day seminar on the implementation of EU Directives).

Since 2003 Member of the Austrian Political Science Association (ÖGPW)

Since 2003 Referee for European Union Politics

December 2002 Guest lecturer at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna (one-week seminar on searching and organizing EU-related documents and literature).

Summer 2001 Participation in the Oslo Summer School in Comparative Social Science Studies, University of Oslo, Faculty of Social Sciences. Course on “Comparative Methodology” (lecturer:

Charles Ragin).

I H S — Oliver Treib / Assistant Professor — 37

Since 2001 Referee for the European Integration Online Papers (EIoP) and for the discussion paper and working paper series of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne.

Summer 1999 Participation in the MPIfG Summer School on “Comparative Politics”, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne (lecturer: Herbert Kitschelt).

List of publications

Books and brochures

Complying with Europe? The Impact of EU Minimum Harmonisation and Soft Law in the Member States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming 2005), (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

Die Bedeutung der nationalen Parteipolitik für die Umsetzung europäischer Sozialrichtlinien.

Politik, Verbände, Recht: Die Umsetzung europäischer Sozialpolitik, Bd. 1. Frankfurt/M.:

Campus 2004.

Journal articles

Europäische Sozialpolitik in der nationalen Praxis, in: Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 51(2), 2005 (with Gerda Falkner, forthcoming).

Non-Compliance with EU Directives in the Member States: Opposition through the Backdoor? Forthcoming in West European Politics, Vol. 27, 2004 (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

Die Umsetzung von EU-Richtlinien im Zeichen der Parteipolitik: Eine akteurzentrierte Antwort auf die Misfit-These, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 44(4), 2003, 506–528.

Book chapters

Policy Implementation, in: Frank Fischer/Gerald J. Miller/Mara S. Sidney (eds.): Handbook of Public Policy Analysis. New York: Dekker, 2005 (with Helga Pülzl, forthcoming)

The EU and New Social Risks: The Need for a Differentiated Evaluation, in: Klaus Armingeon/Giuliano Bonoli (eds.): The Political Regulation of New Social Risks (working title). London: Routledge, 2005 (with Gerda Falkner, forthcoming).

Europäische Sozialpolitik in der nationalen Praxis, in: Alexandra Baum-Ceisig/Anne Faber (eds.): Soziales Europa? Perspektiven des Wohlfahrtsstaates im Kontext von Europäisierung und Globalisierung. Festschrift für Klaus Busch. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag 2005 (with Gerda Falkner, forthcoming).

Der EU-Verfassungsvertrag und die Zukunft des Wohlfahrtsstaates in Europa, in Christian Dirninger/Günter Herzig/Sonja Puntscher Riekmann (eds.), Eine Verfassung für die

Europäische Union: Perspektiven für eine Konsolidierung nach innen und Vertretung nach außen (working title), Wien: Böhlau, 2005 (forthcoming).

Die Kooperation der Sozialpartner im Arbeitsrecht: Ein europäischer Weg?, in: Rainer Eising/Beate Kohler-Koch (eds.): Interessenpolitik in Europa, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2005, 341-362 (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, and Simone Leiber).

EG-Richtlinien als soziales Korrektiv im europäischen Mehrebenensystem? Regulative Entwicklung, Problemskizze und potentielle Wirkungsmuster, in: Adrienne Héritier/Fritz W.

Scharpf/Michael Stolleis (eds.): European and International Regulation After the Nation State: Different Scopes and Multiple Levels, Baden-Baden: Nomos, Vol. 12 (2004), 115–138 (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, and Simone Leiber).

Die Europäische Union als Herausforderung für die Sozialpolitik der Mitgliedsländer, in:

Sieglinde Rosenberger/Emmerich Tálos (eds.): Sozialstaat: Probleme, Herausforderungen, Perspektiven. Wien: Mandelbaum-Verlag, 2003, 14–27 (with Gerda Falkner).

Working and conference papers

Party Politics, National Interests and the Constitutional Treaty: Cleavage Structures in the Negotiations on the Future of EU Social Policy. Conference paper to be presented at the 3rd ECPR Conference, 8-10 September 2005, Budapest.

Worlds of Compliance: Why Leading Approaches to EU Implementation Are Only

“Sometimes-True Theories”. Conference paper, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, 14-19 April 2005, Granada (with Miriam Hartlapp and Gerda Falkner).

Explaining EU Policy Implementation Across Countries: Three Modes of Adaptation.

Conference paper, EUSA 9th Biennial International Conference, Austin, Texas, 31 March – 2 April 2005 (with Gerda Falkner).

Modes of Governance, Old and New: A Note Towards Conceptual Clarification. Conference paper, Kick-off Workshop of NEWGOV Cluster One, Brussels, 10 December 2004 (with Holger Bähr and Gerda Falkner).

Implementation across 15 Countries and 6 Directives: Outcomes in the Light of Theoretical Hypotheses, Conference paper, 2nd Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, European Consortium for Political Research, Bologna, Italy, 24-26 June 2004.

Der EU-Verfassungsvertrag und die Zukunft des Wohlfahrtsstaates in Europa. IHS Politicial Science Series, Working Paper No. 99. Vienna: Institute for Advanced Studies, 2004


The First EU Social Partner Agreement in Practice: Parental Leave in the 15 Member States.

IHS Political Science Series, Working Paper No. 96. Vienna: Institute for Advanced Studies, 2004 <http://www.ihs.ac.at/publications/pol/pw_96.pdf> (with Gerda Falkner).

The EU and New Social Risks: The Need for a Differentiated Evaluation. Paper prepared for presentation at the 14th Biennial Conference of Europeanists, “Europe and the World:

Integration, Interdependence, Exceptionalism?”, Chicago, USA, 11–13 March 2004 (with Gerda Falkner).

I H S — Oliver Treib / Assistant Professor — 39

The EU and New Social Risks: The Case of the Parental Leave Directive. Paper presented at the conference on “The Politics of New Social Risks”, Lugano, 25–27 September 2003 (with Gerda Falkner).

Die Umsetzung von EU-Richtlinien im Zeichen der Parteipolitik: Eine akteurzentrierte Antwort auf die Misfit-These. MPIfG Discussion Paper 03/3. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies <http://www.mpi-fg-koeln.mpg.de/pu/mpifg_dp/dp03-3.pdf>.

EU Governance, Misfit, and the Partisan Logic of Domestic Adaptation: An Actor-Centered Perspective on the Transposition of EU Directives. Paper presented at the 8th International Biennial Conference, European Union Studies Association (EUSA), Nashville, Tennessee, 27–29 March, 2003.

Wo (k)ein Wille ist, ist auch (k)ein Weg: Die politische Logik des Regierens im europäischen Mehrebenensystem. Paper presented at the MPG 2000+ Workshop “Politik und Recht unter den Bedingungen der Globalisierung und Dezentralisierung”, Cologne, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 28–29 November 2002.

Opposition through the Backdoor? The Case of National Non-Compliance with European Directives. Politicial Science Series 83. Vienna: Institute for Advanced Studies, 2002 (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, and Simone Leiber). As conference paper first presented at the 1st Pan-European Conference on European Union Politics, “The Politics of European Integration: Academic Acquis and Future Challenges”, European Consortium for Political Science (ECPR), Bordeaux, 26–28 September 2002.

Transforming Social Policy in Europe? The EC’s Parental Leave Directive and Misfit in the 15 Member States. MPIfG Working Paper 02/11. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2002 <http://www.mpi-fg-koeln.mpg.de/pu/workpap/wp02-11/wp02-11.html>

(with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, and Simone Leiber). As conference paper first presented at the 13th International Conference of Europeanists “Europe in the New Millennium: Enlarging, Experimenting, Evolving”, Council for European Studies (CES), Chicago, 14–16 March 2002.

Democracy, Social Dialogue and Citizenship in the European Multi-level System. Paper presented at the 1st Pan-European Conference on European Union Politics, “The Politics of European Integration: Academic Acquis and Future Challenges”, Bordeaux, 26–28 September 2002 (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp, and Simone Leiber).

Contributions to conferences and presentations

8.-10.9.2005: 3rd ECPR Conference, Budapest, Hungary: Presentation of a paper on “Party Politics, National Interests and the Constitutional Treaty: Cleavage Structures in the Negotiations on the Future of EU Social Policy”.

14.-19.4.2005: ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Granada, Spain. Paper on “Worlds of Compliance: Why Leading Approaches to EU Implementation Are Only ‘Sometimes-True Theories’” (with Miriam Hartlapp and Gerda Falkner).

31.3.-2.4.2005: EUSA 9th Biennial International Conference, Austin, Texas: Presentation of a paper on “Explaining EU Policy Implementation Across Countries: Three Modes of Adaptation” (together with Gerda Falkner), panel on “Europeanization in the East and West:

Are There Different ‘Worlds of Compliance’?“.

10.12.2004: Kick-off Workshop of NEWGOV Cluster One, Brussels, Belgium: Presentation of a paper on “Modes of Governance, Old and New: A Note Towards Conceptual Clarification”

(co-authored with Holger Bähr and Gerda Falkner).

3.12.2004: “The Differential Logics of Implementing EU Directives in the Three Worlds of Compliance”. Presentation in the context of a roundtable discussion including Christian Joerges (European University Institute, Florence), Bedanna Bapuly (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna) and Gerda Falkner (IHS, Vienna), Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna.

30.6.2004: “Complying with Europe? The Impact of EU Minimum Harmonisation and Soft Law in the Member States.” Presentation to the Academic Advisory Board, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna.

24.-26.6.2004: 2nd Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Bologna, Italy: Presentation of a paper on “Implementation across 15 Countries and 6 Directives: Outcomes in the Light of Theoretical Hypotheses”, Panel on “EU Minimum Harmonisation in the 15 Member States:

Different Worlds of Compliance?”.

13.-15.5.2004: Graduate conference “powi 04”, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft, discussant in the working group on “Austria and the EU”.

11.-13.3.2004: Council for European Studies, 14th Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, USA: Presentation of a paper on “The EU and New Social Risks: The Case of the Parental Leave Directive” (joint paper with Gerda Falkner), panel on “New Social Risks and the Welfare State 2”.

29.1.2004: “Europäisches Recht und nationale Politik: Die Umsetzung sozialpolitischer EU-Richtlinien im Ländervergleich.” Presentation in the context of the Departmental Research Seminar Political Science, Department of Political Science, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria.

11.12.2003: “Die Zukunft des Wohlfahrtsstaates in Europa.” Lecture given in the context of a series of lectures on “Eine Verfassung für die Europäische Union: Perspektiven für eine Konsolidierung nach innen und Vertretung nach außen", Institute for Political Science, University of Salzburg, Austria.

25.-27.9.2003: Conference “The Political Regulation of New Social Risks”, Lugano, Switzerland: Presentation of a paper on “The EU and New Social Risks: The Case of the Parental Leave Directive” (joint paper with Gerda Falkner).

15.7.2003: Conference “Der Konventsentwurf des Verfassungsvertrages der EU“, organised by the Cologne Pole of Jean Monnet Chairs and European Integration Specialists, University of Cologne, Germany: Presentation on “Neuerungen im Verfassungsentwurf des Konvents im Bereich Beschäftigungs- und Sozialpolitik”.

3.6.2003: “New Governance and Social Europe: Theory and Practice of Mininum Harmonisation and Soft Law in the Multilevel System.” Final project presentation at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany (with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

10.4.2003: “Ökonomische Internationalisierung und die Chancen erfolgreicher europäischer Re-Regulierung am Beispiel der EU-Sozialpolitik. Presentation to a delegation of the CDU-Wertekommission, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany.

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27.-29.3.2003: EUSA 8th International Biennial Conference, Nashville, USA: Chair and discussant of the panel “Harmonization vs. Expecting Difference: Domestic Variation in European Integration“. Presentation of a paper on “EU Governance, Misfit, and the Partisan Logic of Domestic Adaptation: An Actor-Centered Perspective on the Transposition of EU Directives”, panel on “Differences between Formal and Informal Policy“.

28.-29.11.2002: MPG 2000+ Workshop “Politik und Recht unter den Bedingungen der Globalisierung und Dezentralisierung“, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany: Presentation “Die politische Logik des Regierens im europäischen Mehrebenensystem“.

7.10.2002: Joint Research Workshop of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies and the Max Planck Project Group on the Law of Common Goods, Bonn, Germany:

Presentation “Europäische Vorgaben und die politische Verarbeitung des nationalen Anpassungsbedarfs: Die Umsetzung arbeitsrechtlicher EU-Richtlinien in ländervergleichender Perspektive“.

26.-28.9.2002: 1st Pan-European Conference on European Union Politics “The Politics of European Integration: Academic Acquis and Future Challenges“, Bordeaux, France: Chair of the panel “Towards a European Citizenship“. Presentation of a paper on “Democracy, Social Dialogue and Citizenship in the European Multi-level System“ (joint paper with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber), panel on “Political Communities and Political Communication“. Paper on “Opposition through the Backdoor? The Case of National Non-Compliance with European Directives (joint paper with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber), panel on “Multilevel Governance and Conflict”.

4.-5.7.2002: Conference “Interessendurchsetzung im Mehrebenensystem“, organised by the DFG-Schwerpunkt „Regieren in der Europäischen Union“ and the Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, Mannheim, Germany. Presentation of a paper on

“Interessendurchsetzung im Mehrebenensystem am Beispiel der EU-Sozialpolitik (joint paper with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

8.5.2002: “Die nationale Umsetzung arbeitsrechtlicher EU-Richtlinien: Welche Rolle spielt der Anpassungsbedarf?”. Presentation to the graduate seminar of Prof. Wolfgang Wessels, Department of Political Science and European Affairs, University of Cologne, Germany.

14.-16.3.2002: Council for European Studies, 13th Conference of Europeanists “Europe in the New Millennium: Enlarging, Experimenting, Evolving“, Chicago, USA: Presentation of a paper on “Transforming Social Policy in Europe? The EC’s Parental Leave Directive and Misfit in the 15 Member States”.

21.-22.2.2002: MPG 2000+ Workshop “Politik und Recht unter den Bedingungen der Globalisierung und Dezentralisierung“, Max Planck Project Group on the Law of Common Goods, Bonn, Germany. Paper on “EG-Richtlinien als soziales Korrektiv im europäischen Mehrebenensystem? Regulative Entwicklung, Problemskizze und potentielle Wirkungsmuster“ (joint paper with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

16.-18.11.2001: Conference “Zukunft und Perspektiven des Wohlfahrtsstaates“, organised by the Sektion “Politik und Ökonomie” of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, Hagen, Germany: Presentation on “Mehrebenenpolitik in der Europäischen Union: Wo ist der Ort der Sozialpolitik? (together with Gerda Falkner, Miriam Hartlapp and Simone Leiber).

31.5.2001: “Policy Misfit and the Implementation of EC Social Policy Directives”.

Presentation to the Academic Advisory Board of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany.

20.3.2001: “Die Transposition von arbeitsrechtlichen EU-Richtlinien und ihre Erklärung:

Welche Rolle spielt der Policy-Misfit?” Presentation to the graduate seminar of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany.

4.5.2000: “Die Umsetzung arbeitsrechtlicher EG-Richtlinien im Ländervergleich”, Presentation to the graduate seminar of Prof. Wolfgang Wessels, Department of Political Science and European Affairs, University of Cologne, Germany.

17.1.2000: “Die Implementation sozialpolitischer EG-Richtlinien”. Presentation to the graduate seminar of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany.


Europäische Vorgaben, nationaler Anpassungsbedarf und seine politische Verarbeitung:

Eine ländervergleichende Studie über die Umsetzung arbeitsrechtlicher EU-Richtlinien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Großbritannien und Irland. Dissertation, Köln: Universität zu Köln, 2002.

Institutionen, Akteure und Entscheidungen in der EU: Die Auswirkungen des Maastrichter Sozialprotokolls auf die Entscheidungen in der Sozialpolitik der Europäischen Gemeinschaft.

Magisterarbeit, Köln: Universität zu Köln, 1999.


Scharpf, Fritz W.: Interaktionsformen: Akteurzentrierter Institutionalismus in der Politikforschung. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2000 (translation into German of “Games Real Actors Play: Actor Centered Institutionalism in Policy Research”, Boulder: Westview, 1997).

I H S — Holger Bähr / Project Researcher — 43

4. Project Researchers

Im Dokument Political Science (Seite 39-47)